Subject Firebird-PHP doesn't work
Author jtraslavi
Greetings to all the people of the list.

The annoying one to consult them the following thing:

Until a while ago I had installed a station WIN 98 and on this an
Apache server (personal), PHP and Firebird 1.0.3. I Have an
application that is good me to negotiate some tests, basically I read
a plane file and I copy it to the database, this worked until I
decided install the machine again and to install the WIN 2000, at the
same time I modernized the Firebird to the versiòn 1.5 and I
installed the AppServer with all the services that it has inside
(Apache, php, mysql...)

The problem that I have is that either with Firebird 1.0.3 (which I
installed again) or with the version 1.5 throw me the following

Warning: ibase_pconnect(): unavailable database in c:\archivos de
programa\appserv\www\intranet\ on line 38

Error unavailable database

I should emphasize that as much the Apache as the PHP have been
usually working and that I made the necessary change in the file
C:\WINNT\php.ini to activate the lìnea corresponding to Interbase,
equally the database that I try to use from the page PHP (that has
not wanted to work) I can use it without problem from the IBExpert.

Which the problem can be?

I thank them any help and I want to all a Merry Christmas and
successes in the coming year.

Excuse me for the English....