Subject Database corruption
Author Wolfgang Naber

I have written a web-addon for a client-server application that uses firebird. The client-server application accesses the database via BDE and IBX. My php programm uses adodb 3.72 for database access (only reading data). Each programm for itself works fine but as soon as they work against the same database it gets corrupted. In the log-File I found entries like this:

www (Client) Tue Nov 30 09:55:36 2003
INET/inet_error: connect errno = 111

www (Client) Tue Nov 30 09:55:58 2003
INET/inet_error: connect errno = 111

www (Client) Tue Nov 30 09:55:58 2003
/opt/interbase/bin/ibguard: guardian starting bin/ibserver

www (Server) Tue Nov 30 09:56:13 2003
Database: /usr/local/fbk/wawi.gdb
Page 43831 wrong type (expected 5 encountered 3)

www (Server) Tue Nov 30 09:56:13 2003
Database: /usr/local/fbk/wawi.gdb
Data page 43831 (sequence 154) is confused in table ARUMSATZ (137)

www (Server) Tue Nov 30 09:56:13 2003
Database: /usr/local/fbk/wawi.gdb
Relation has 34 orphan backversions (317 in use) in table ARUMSATZ (137)

www (Server) Tue Nov 30 09:57:29 2003
Database: /usr/local/fbk/wawi.gdb
Relation has 34 orphan backversions (317 in use) in table ARUMSATZ (137)

The table that is mentioned in the log-file is not touched by my programm.

Has somebody an idea whats going wrong their? My infrastruktur:
- Linux (Kernel 2.4.22)
- Firebird SuperServer 1.0.3
- php 4.2.2
- adodb 4.72

Thank you in advance.
