Subject Firebird - Stored Procedure - How to execute Java Program (Java Stored Procedure) after insert of a row
I would like to run a Java program(plug-in), for a trigger on a table, say AFTER INSERT. How do I create the database trigger, to achieve this and get the java program executed on insert of a row in the table.

I see in some documents, that a Java program can be called, on database events as above (ON INSERT/UPDATE). But I could find the technique for achieving this.

References of Java invocation are from the following links:
1.The first test version of FB/Java, compatible with Firebird 3.0.0
FB/Java is an External Engine plugin for Firebird that makes Firebird capable of run functions, procedures, and triggers made in the Java platform.

2.New In Firebird 3.0
Eventually, plug-in support for stored procedures, triggers and functions written in Java, C++, ObjectPascal, etc.

3.UDRs in java
Firebird 3 supports external engines, bridges between the engine and the execution environments that can run UDRs: native code, Java and others

I am using Firebird-3.0.2 on windows 7 64-bit.
