Subject Jaybird 3.0.0-alpha-1 available for testing
Author Mark Rotteveel
I have just published Jaybird 3.0.0-alpha-1 for testing. I would really
appreciate if you could start testing your applications with this
version and provide feedback on stability and behavior, but also on the
release notes.

Jaybird 3.0 is a big change from Jaybird 2.2 and earlier. We have
rewritten the entire low-level implementation to be able to support
protocol improvements in newer Firebird versions, we have made changes
with a stricter interpretation of the JDBC requirements, and we have
removed some parts that were either obsolete or not functioning correctly.

We recommend that you do not consider Jaybird 3.0 a drop-in replacement
for Jaybird 2.2, and study the release notes carefully.


* Release notes:
* Release files:

Jaybird 3.0 Alpha 1 is available from Maven central:

Groupid: org.firebirdsql.jdbc,
Artifactid: jaybird-jdkXX (where XX is 17 or 18).
Version: 3.0.0-alpha-1

For example:


If your application is deployed to a Java EE application server, you
will need to exclude the javax.resource:connector-api dependency, and
add it as a provided dependency:


If you want to use Type 2 support (native, local or embedded), you need
to explicitly include JNA 4.2.2 as a dependency:


Mark Rotteveel