Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Eclipse DTP with Firebird
Author Mark Rotteveel
> A while ago I looked at using Eclipse DTP with Firebird.
> I have started looking again and found the latest plugins at
> a big improvement from what I was
> looking at in the past.
> The only issue I seem to have is that the plugin does not seem to list any
> Blob fields, in fact, as soon as it comes across one, it seems to stop and
> misses out reading the rest of the fields in the table.
> Does anyone know if this is a known problem (that is, it is not just me).
> If so, are there any known workarounds, for example, different sub types
> or anything I can do to get Blobs working in Eclipse? (I am running on a
> Mac, using Helios, but have also tried in a couple of earlier versions.)
> The problem can be seen by expanding up any table in the Data Source
> Explorer in Eclipse that has a blob field in it... it lists all fields up
> to the first blob field, and none after.
> I also see this release was back in 2009, so am wondering if there have
> been any updates since.

No, I have not written any updates since 2009 (although I do think there
are some minor changes in my local workspace). I have had little time
because of study, work, and the new house I bought in 2009, so I haven't
looked at the code in some time.

I will see if I can reproduce this behavior and post a fix for this. I
probably either missed this as I usually don't use blobs, or maybe I
didn't even implement it yet.

Could you provide a more detailed bug report. Specifically listing the
steps that result in the error maybe an example database with content (you
can mail it to mark@...).

Unfortunately I am still very busy with finishing my study and with my
job, so I can't guarantee a timely fix, but as I have a day off this
Thursday, I might find some time to at least look into it.

Mark Rotteveel