Subject Re: connect would work better
Author Jean Noël Martin
I thank you for the quick answer you provided

First of all I use jaybird 2.1.6 I Dowloaded the source and the jar

Second,as far as I understand the configuration Data I beleive that it's a problem of initializion of Jaybird. I noticed other not loaded data like "FBLog4j", and probabily I have not some data in the good folder.
Can you provide me with the configuration data that should available at the start of the driver and the folders where I have to submit them. I use NetBeans for EDI and I have organized the Jaybird data following the class name of the files eg: because NetBeans d'ont like the jaybird initial organization.

Moreover i dont undertand what you would suggest refering

--- In, Mark Rotteveel <Avalanche1979@...> wrote:
> On 22-10-2010 11:44, jnm53 wrote:
> > My curent question is intern in Jaybird as following:
> >
> >
> > Code :
> >
> > public FBManagedConnectionFactory(GDSType gdsType, FBConnectionProperties connectionProperties) {
> > this.defaultCm = new FBStandAloneConnectionManager();
> > this.connectionProperties = connectionProperties;
> > IF( gdsType != NULL)
> > setType(gdsType.toString());
> > }
> >
> > The variable gdsType is in this methode set to null; I protected the instruction setType( gdsType.toSting()); while testing the null valeur of this varaible
> > using the methode
> Why are you changing the internals of Jaybird without clear
> understanding of its inner workings?
> >
> > Code :
> >
> > public static GDSType getDefaultGDSType() {
> > RETURN defaultType;
> > }
> RETURN, IF, NULL are not valid Java, what language are you using?
> >
> > As the defaultType is null.
> The defaultType is normally not null, it is set to the first plugin
> loaded when GDSFactory is loaded by the classloader (normally the
> pure-Java plugin IIRC).
> > My questions are as following:
> > gdsType == null is normal?
> > else which is the value to set to the defaultType;
> > ans morevover what would be the cause for these data if they are abnormals.
> > Moreover I need two datas to be intitialized and how to do to initialize them.
> > I need the GdsType defaults.
> It is set when the driver is loaded. Please explain clearly when this
> error occurs?
> > this variable is stratégic in connecting. I tried various approach to connect the database ans each time i got this variable.
> > I have still asked to be subscribed on the Jaybird user group and I have no acknoledgement from this team up to now.
> I am not sure what you are saying here.
> > I founded two variables that should be initialized and that are not...
> >
> > Code :
> >
> > IF (gdsType == NULL) gdsType = defaultType;
> >
> > GDSFactoryPlugin gdsPlugin = (GDSFactoryPlugin) typeToPluginMap
> > .get(gdsType);
> >
> > IF (gdsPlugin == NULL)
> > throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specified GDS type " + gdsType
> > + " is unknown.");
> >
> > RETURN gdsPlugin.getGDS();
> >
> > Thats defaultType and typeToPluginMap.
> > how is it possible to get some information related to the gdsType defaults?
> If they are not initialized, then you are most likely not using Jaybird
> correctly. Please describe the actual problem you are having, not what
> you think is causing it.
> Please provide a SSCE (see ) and say which exact
> version of Jaybird you are using, and the problem you are experiencing,
> so that we can try to reproduce it.
> Mark
> --
> Mark Rotteveel