Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Using Firebird on Eclipse Ganymede Datatools
Author Mark Rotteveel

As I haven't tested it thoroughly, and certainly not in the context of
JPA, I think you shouldn't get your hopes up too high yet. But if you
find any problems let me know.

BTW: One thing I noticed myself is that the datasource explorer skips
about half of the stored procedures... I haven't been able to locate to
cause yet :(.


C F wrote:
> Excellent, thanks greatly...
> For the first time I have been able to connect to Firebird from within Eclipse...
> All I want to do is have my JPA annotations validated (haven't tested that yet, but I am hopeful).
> In the past I have played with the idea of exporting my schema to PostgreSQL and using that for validation... (my initial trials proved that that was easier than I thought it was going to be).
> It has pushed me towards more seriously looking at PostgreSQL because of the better Eclipse support...
> So thanks for your and Roman's work, I for one appreciate it.
> Regards
> Colin
> ________________________________
> From: Mark Rotteveel <Avalanche1979@...>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, 7 June, 2009 7:09:58 AM
> Subject: Re: [Firebird-Java] Using Firebird on Eclipse Ganymede Datatools
> A new version of the Eclipse plugin is available on
> http://www.lawinege
> Version
> First step integrating Roman Rokytskyy work.
> Changes:
> * Used other (generic) UI for connection
> * The full jdbc-URL must be used
> * Connection now uses two 'virtual' schemas, SYSTEM and USER, to
> separate system metadata (RDB$.. and MON$.. tables/views) from the user
> metadata
> * Sequences (generators) are now visible
> * Table-like stored procedures are now grouped under stored procedures
> * Constraints are now shown
> Gotcha's:
> * Untested
> * Numeric fields are not shown correctly in the 'edit'-view
> (context-menu on a table or view)
> * Stored procedure code is not correct (body usually is correct,
> but signature is wrong)
> * Generated DDL does not contain escapes for use in ISQL
> * DDL for sequence/generators cannot be shown yet
> * Trigger code is not loaded
> * Dependencies are not shown
> * Some datatypes introduced in Firebird 2.1 might not work correctly
> * The option 'Sample contents' (context menu on a table or view)
> does not work

Mark Rotteveel