Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] hostname resolving jaybird
Author Matthias

Matthias schrieb:
> Hello,
> I have in the last days trouble with jaybird-2.1.6 and hostname
> resolving. I'm using pooled connections as described in the examples
> and everything runs fine under win and mac os(latest runtime 1.6) .
> The same binaries and drives throws an error on FreeBSD (Diabolo Java
> 1.6.0_07_b02): GDS Exception 335544721. Unable to complete network
> request to host $name.
> $name is always the correct given hostname - no misspelling or
> something else.
> This happens with every database on the lan and the local one too. The
> error appears by hostname and ip address.
> The database url is given as $name:alias.
> All database hosts are reachable by name or ip and the databases are
> up and running. Resolving order is file and name service; I added the
> database hosts to the hosts file, but no changes. The application is
> unfortunately for this server.
> Has anybody expierence with Jaybird and the Diabolo JDK? Is there a
> different name resolving on BSD?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Matthias

It's very simple: The host has to be listed in the /etc/hosts with his name.
My host wasn't listed - I don't know why, usually bsd inserts the fqdn
by installation.
If you change in nsswitch.conf the resolving type in dns only for hosts,
it doesn't matter - the hostname must be listed in /etc/hosts.
Thanks for your hints.
