Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] system tables
Author Roman Rokytskyy

> For further integrating Firebird with DbSchema, I would like to ask:
> I need some queries to read:
> 1. for views: view_name, view_source_query
> 2. for procedures, triggers and functions: name, source_query

Cast the DatabaseMetaData object to FirebirdDatabaseMetaData and use
methods getProcedureSourceCode, getTriggerSourceCode, getViewSourceCode
calls - it is the easiest way.

If you want to avoid importing Firebird packages, tell me, I will
provide you queries

> 3. is the explain plan working with 'explain plan ....' ? Which is the correct way of getting the execution plan ?

Cast Statement or PreparedStatement to FirebirdStatement or
FirebirdPreparedStatement respectively and use methods:


There is no SQL statement to return the execution plan, works only via API.

> 4. for table constraints and check constraints, the table_name, constraint_name, constraint_body

Are primary and foreign keys and unique constraints not available via
DatabaseMetaData? What does not fit your requirements?

A bit different query for check contraint, but you see what you need
(copying them from other place)

Check constraints per table:

private static final String GET_CHECK_CONSTRAINTS = ""
+ " rc.rdb$constraint_name AS CHECK_CONSTRAINT_NAME "
+ ", tr.rdb$trigger_source AS CHECK_CONSTRAINT_SOURCE "
+ "FROM "
+ " rdb$triggers tr "
+ " rdb$check_constraints cc "
+ "ON "
+ " cc.rdb$trigger_name = tr.rdb$trigger_name "
+ " rdb$relation_constraints rc "
+ "ON "
+ " cc.rdb$constraint_name = rc.rdb$constraint_name "
+ "WHERE "
+ " rc.rdb$constraint_type = 'CHECK' "
+ "AND "
+ " rc.rdb$relation_name = ?";

> 5. for sequences the sequence_name


query = "SELECT rdb$generator_name AS " + SEQUENCE_NAME + " " +
"FROM rdb$generators " +
"WHERE rdb$system_flag = " + (systemSequences ? '1' : '0');

> Do you have any test database on your site or in the installation package ? We would like to point in the documentation to such a database.

It is EMPLOYEE.FDB in the Firebird installation directory

> The the first-time-users would be able to connect to this one only in few steps.
> It would be nice if the database may have few more tables, with some data records, and also views, procedures, triggers, etc.

Yes, this is exactly the case. It might happen that in the next release
we have new one, but this one is quite ok.

Thanks for your efforts in this direction!
