Subject Firebird embedded and JBuilderx java application What url should I use?
Author Christopher Skinner
Firebird embedded and JBuilderx java applicatiomn

I am very close to getting Firebird embedded working with JBuilder
the DataModule wizard can see data
the setconnection throws no exceptions
But when I try to open a table in my program it throws a

If I try this:

durl = "jdbc:firebirdsql:embedded:c:\\a\\emFirebird\\T21";
dDriver = "org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver";

try {
database1.setConnection(new com.borland.dx.sql.dataset.ConnectionDescriptor( durl,
dUname, dpass, false, dDriver));

I get NO exceptions on the setConnection
but when I try to open a QueryDataSet
I get this:
See com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException error code: BASE+66

com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException: Resource Exception. I/O error for file CreateFile
(open) ""
Error while trying to open file
Reason: I/O error for file CreateFile (open) ""
Error while trying to open file

at com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException.a(Unknown Source)

at com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException.throwException(Unknown Source)

at com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException.SQLException(Unknown Source)

erc etc
at java.awt.Container.addImpl(

at java.awt.Container.add(

at t21.Frame1.jbInit(

at t21.Frame1.<init>(

at t21.Application1.<init>(

at t21.Application1.main(

Chained exception:

org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: Resource Exception. I/O error for file CreateFile
(open) ""
Error while trying to open file
Reason: I/O error for file CreateFile (open) ""
Error while trying to open file

at org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDataSource.getConnection(

at org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver.connect(

at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(

at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(

etc etc

Note: I am NOT trying to open a "file" I am trying to open a QueryDataSet

If I try durl = "jdbc:firebirdsql:C:\\a\\emFirebird\\T21";
[ie omit the "embedded"]
I get this:
com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException: Resource Exception. Unable to complete network
request to host "C".
Reason: Unable to complete network request to host "C".

If I change the url to a location which does NOT contain T21.fdb (my database)
I get:
com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException: Resource Exception. I/O error for file CreateFile
(open) ""
Error while trying to open file
Why does setconnection throw no exception when teh url points to a non-existant directory?

C T Skinner

ps could Firebird please host a proper newsgroup?
Lists via email seems so 1980's

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