Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Re: JDBC related exceptions with Firebird.
Author Roman Rokytskyy
> I am seeing the following msg in the FireBird log.
> -- terminated abnormally (4294967295)

That's what I meant.

> And I also came across a post by you related to this same msg
> sometime in June 2004, that talks about Server crashing when too
> many connections use up the available memory. The link for that msg :

The error code (4294967295) is -1 incorrectly interpreted. And -1 in this
case does not mean anything that can say that issues are somehow related.

> I am researching to see if there is a relation between that issue
> and my current problem. I am just creating one connection to the db
> and using it to do my inserts. I don't see any growth in the
> transaction number on the database header page so I am assuming that
> I am not spawning multiple connections on db when the driver's auto-
> commit is turned off.
> Pls do let me know if there is something I am missing here.

Best would be to create a reproducable test case in Java (most likely that
will require reproducing the same table structure, not sure about data). In
this case we can try to find the problem in the Firebird itself.
