Subject Hibernate - How/Where to set connection encoding?
Author maximshiryaev

I'm trying to setup Alfresco CMS. It uses Hibernate. Their default
installation uses MySQL. But since all my infomation systems use
Firebird I want to use it.

The problem is following: I've created a FB2RC1 database with UTF8
encoding and when I try to enter some Russian text into Alfresco space
names, description etc. it fails. It's obvious (?) that the encoding
connection parameter is missign and I don't know Hiberntate enough to
find where to set it. Alfresco provides customized properties files
for driver name and connection URL only.

May be there is some enviromnemt variable exists to set default
connection encoding or some extension of URL?

Additional info:
JDBC: latest JayBird 2.0.1


Maxim Shiryaev.