Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] after installing FirebirdSS-
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:17 AM 15/09/2005 +0100, you wrote:
>Sorry this didnt really help i have enclosed my
>Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
>SQL> CONNECT "/data/db/employee.fdb"
>CON> user 'SYSDBA' password 'letmein'
>CON> ;
>Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902
>Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your
>database administrator to set up a Firebird login.

Once you get your password sorted out, the next place you will have errors
is in your connection string. Firebird SS on Linux MUST be accessed
through the network. So, at least, your connection string should be:


>[root@linuxdb bin]# ./isql
>Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
>SQL> CONNECT "/data/db/employee.fbd"
>CON> user 'sysdba' password 'letmein';
>Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902
>I/O error for file "/data/db/employee.fbd"
>-Error while trying to open file
>-No such file or directory

Again - needs a host in the path; and watch the spelling of your database
file name.

I really can't tell for sure what you have done to sysdba password. All
you really needed to do was read the auto-generated password and then use
it with GSEC to change it to something you could remember, i.e., if the
autogen password was U87tyu0i

bin]# ./gsec -modify sysdba -pw my8secret -user sysdba -password U87tyu0i

Incidentally, 'letmein' does NOT look like an auto-gen password. Every
Linux Firebird I have ever installed has had an 8-character string of
letters and numbers. "letmein" is about as obviously ungenerated as
"sesame" or "masterkey". If the security database is still unbroken, check
the string again and try to do this password change with gsec.

If your security db really is broken, let me know, and I'll send you one
with masterkey as the sysdba password, so you can start fresh and finish
with this off-topic thread.
