Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] FBSQLException: resultSet is closed with Jaybird 2.0
Author Roman Rokytskyy
> i got the following exception with one of my databases:
> org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: The resultSet is closed
> This only happens with Jaybird 2.0 (every time). If i replace the jar
> with Jaybird 1.5.5 everything works fine.
> ...
> For my configuration see my last messages.
> I think it's a bug with the StatementPooling.

No, if you run in the auto-commit mode - JDBC specification requires us to
close all open result sets before executing the next statement. This was
changed in JB 2.0 together with dropping the result set caching in
auto-commit mode.

You have to switch the auto-commit mode off to get your previous behavior
back. Alternatively we can think about the compatibility mode that would use
result set caching in auto-commit mode and ignore the JDBC specification if
more people have problems with this behavior.
