Subject UDF help
Author maurizio
I'm working with Firebird 1.5.1 on macosx and I have a problem with UDF
/'Access to UDF library "" is denied by server administrator'
/I have found this article

that say:
This had me puzzled ... There does now exist a file called in
the UDF directory yet still Firebird insists that it cannot be loaded..
To cut a long story short, the solution was found in a configuration
file called
located in the/ /directory /
/which tells Firebird that access to UDF functions is to be Restricted
to the directory UDF.
The intention seems to be that this path is relative to the Firebird
Install directory, however, under OSX, this does not seem to work. So,
I tried adding the full path of the UDF directory as follows: /


/UdfAccess = Restrict

/I have try to apply this solution but nothing change for me!
I have do a link called to ib_udf.dylib file but the result is:

/Access to UDF library
is denied by server adm
there is something that can help me?

Thank's in advance /

Maurizio Poli

Etarom Multimedia Project
Via del Tiglio 45
56012 Calcinaia (PI)
Tel & Fax 0587-59108
cell 340 8398772
E-mail maurizio@...

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