Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Can Firebird run on internet server ?
Author John Zoetebier
On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 10:13, Rick Fincher wrote:
> Hi John,
> You can alias the path name in Firebird 1.5 if you want to hide the file
> path details from the outside world. That also allows you to move the
> database around on the server if you need to without affecting the name
> used from the outside.
> But, the old way should work OK on an internet server too. The problem
> may be that you don't have port 3050 open in your firewall. If not, it
> will block all packets sent between Firebird and the outside world, but
> not internally.
> If you control the firewall that's easy to fix, if not you have to
> request it from your sys admin.
> Many companies block everything but port 80 on a gateway machine for web
> browser access and the users have to designate that machine as a proxy
> server.
> Things get tricky then. There are some IP tunnelling solutions for
> that, though.
> If you can run MySql or Oracle on the server then it is almost certainly
> just a firewall port problem.
> Oh, be sure you change the URL in your example below from:
> jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost:3050/opt/quasar/company/Transparent.fdb
> To:
> jdbc:firebirdsql://
> being the machine the Firebird server is on.
> That is always necessary unless the server is running on your local system.
> Hope this helps!
> Rick

Got it working now !
I thought the path was relative to the client as I normally run Firebird on
the same machine as the client.
However the URL path is relative to the server.
An alias is probably a good idea for a server running from an internet server.

John Zoetebier