Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Q. for _serious dababase developers - app. example, dev. tools
Author Roman Rokytskyy
> My previous experience lies in Delphi/C++ world, both of this tools
> haves prebuit db-aware controls,
> and I am litle confused with db desktop programing in Java.

There is no standard library with such controls in Java (as there is no
standard db-aware controls in C++). Delphi is shipped with components
invented by Borland. Similar components from Borland are also shipped with
JBuilder (I think you have to buy at least Professional version).

> How to build user interface ? I know that Swing komponents can be
> data-aware , because of his MVC nature
> (JTable haves TableModel,..), but this seems to be a more
> complicated to develop a complete set of 'SwingDB'
> controls. For example, what about sinhronization, if I have DBGrid
> (~JTable), and a lot of 'single-fields' controls.
> If user moves to another record (using DBGrid), how others
> sigle-fields controls can be sinchronized with this
> new record position ? What is missing is one kind of 'data source'
> controls, which must be the same for all db controls.,
> and retrieves data from database.

Try JBuilder and ask in Borland newsgroups. Personally I have never used
them, but having some experience with Delphi, these components seem quite
similar to Delphi ones.

> Or, consider the following situation: currently, I have a db table with
> foreign key, which points to primary key
> on the same table (auto-referential constraint). And I want to
> display/edit/update/delete and change master key
> (last operation, of course, with mouse moving) -all together -
> with using JTree -like control .
> Can I achieve this goal with standard Swing JTree control and
> Hibernate (Firebird and JayBird)?

Without additional programming - no. Better use JBuilder or find some other
set of components.

> So, I don't know what should to do first, and what tools should to
> use.And, JayBird haves some own restriction, for example,
> ResultSet.updateXXX() does not work (not implemented) together with
> couple other methods, so , for conclusion, the best thing for me, I
> think, is one demo (but _powerfull demo) db desktop application,
> that uses Firebird/JayBird 1.5.

You can check demos from the JBuilder. JayBird is functionally more complete
compared to the InterClient. So any demo from Borland for InterBase should
also work with Firebird/JayBird. Though I'm afraid that most examples are
designed for JDataStore which was designed with the JDBC access in mind and
most of the JDBC things are implemented there. Unfortunately this is not the
case with Firebird and we cannot fully translate the JDBC specification to
the Firebird API calls.
