Subject Connection Pooling in JBird1.5rc3
Author Steffen Heil

Just a few questions about connection pooling:
- What about settings in a connection? If I change autoCommit for example,
is it reset automatically, when the connection is reused?
- What are the default setting when a connection is requested the first
- May I even change settings?
- How to do batch processing?

What about the new Statement Pooling feature?
- The faq contain an example, how to use the connection without it, and it
tells me, that statement pooling is a good thing, but an example is missing.
- Where can I find such an example?
- Do these statements autocommit?

And Mutlithreading
- If connections are now safe to be used in multiple threads, why should I
even use multiple connections?
- Wouldn't it suffice to share one connection and use only different

All together, is there any "best practise for java connection pooling"
