Subject Re: Slow jdbc with ColdfusionMX
Author 21cs
I'm faced with the same problem - queries taking much longer to
complete. We've built a new server with Win2003, CFMX 6.1, Jaybird
1.0.1, (with Firebird DB running on its own server), and we're hoping
to go live this week. Current platform is Win2K, CF45, IBphoenix
ODBC driver, datasources linked to same Firebird DB server (works
great!). Most queries are fairly short running, so this isn't a show-
stopper, but I would like to know why. It seems that there might be
an overhead or connection issue, because the % increase is greater
with short queries (i.e. 20ms queries run 4x longer, 1 sec queries
run 50% longer).

I posted on Macromedia forum and received one reply - from someone
else with the same problem! Thanks for any light you can shed on


--- In, Bradley Tate <btate@c...> wrote:
> Hi.
> We're running a current level Coldfusion MX server on Linux with the
> latest released Firebird JDBC drivers and are finding query
> is 2 to 5 times slower than Coldfusion 5 with ODBC. CFMX itself
> significantly faster than CF5, it's just the queries which are
> trouble for us. MX, for those who don't know, is mostly written in
> Can anyone offer an opinion as to why this might be happening and
> if anything, we can do about it? Next thing we're planning to try
is a
> jdbc to odbc gateway with the old drivers, a course I'd rather
avoid if
> possible.
> Cheers,
> Bradley.