Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] metadata column names
Author Rick Fincher
Hi Marco,

I'm not familiar with Squirrel SQL, I thought it was another SQL database.
I see that it is a Java based SQL tool. Sorry for the confusion.

I saw that you solved the problem anyway.

How does Squirrel SQL work with Firebird and Jaybird? What can you do with


----- Original Message -----
> On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 20:23:24 -0500, you wrote:
> >This is an Interbase/Firebird feature. If the columns, tables, and views
> >are originally defined with double quotes they will be case sensitive and
> >you will have to refer to them with double quotes always. If they were
> >defined without double quotes, they will be case insensitive (all
> >uppercase).
> Thanks Rick, i know this feature of Interbase. The question arose only
> because SquirrelSLQ seems not to be affected by the case of the table
> names and it seems that it doesn't perform any special operation on
> table names to do that. Maybe i should investigate better on the
> Squirrel code...
> ciao
> --
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