Subject Re: Problem with jbird?
Author Roman Rokytskyy

> Im facing a problem that seems to be caused by a bug in the firebird
> JCA driver, i may wrong though, so im posting here to see if any
> body else have experienced this, or have some idea about whats
> happening....
> I am using Firebird 1.5 final (superserver on windows) and jaybird
> 1.5-beta3 in a j2ee app running on jBoss.
> Now sometimes the login verification sql query will result in a null
> pointer in

I have at least one bug report for this problem. It seems that under
some conditions db handle is invalidated, but connection is still in use.

Do you have a reproducable test case?

> When this happens subsequent attemps to use the datasource will all
> fail. The only fix is to restart the ManagedConnectionFactory in
> jboss.jca domain.

How important is XA support for you? If you can use normal JDBC
driver, please try this.
