Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Multiple connections to embedded Firebird
Author Roman Rokytskyy

>> if I use them non-serially (i.e. from different threads).
> The current "local" connection protocol (IPServer, the one that you
> must use with embedded) isn't thread-safe. Let the server take care
> of the threading on its side, by making a distinct connection for
> each operation that you would normally thread off from a TCP/IP or
> NP connection if you were running multi-user.
> Embedded in Firebird 2 will use a different local protocol (XNET).
> I haven't tried it yet but I understand it is thread-safe.

JayBird takes care of the thread-safety on the connection level. That means
it guarantees that only one request will be processed over the single
connection at a time. This is requirement of JDBC specification and we
respect it.

>> Is this the case? If so, should Jaybird throw an exception when
>> multiple connections to the same database file are opened?
> No. On the other hand, you're likely get AVs if you try to
> multi-thread a connection.

Should also not happen due to the applied synchronization policy.
