Subject jboss Firebird-ds xml usage
Author karthick srini
Dear JayBird Team Members ,

I am working in JBoss and I am an new bee to Jboss
and databases. In jboss suite there is a file
1. firebird-ds.xml*checkout*/jboss/jbosscx/src/etc/example-config/firebird-ds.xml?rev=

It is different from other *-ds.xml (mostly). For
example in oracle-ds.xml




//end of snippet

On reading the somw of the docs in the net I get a
idea (I am not sure) that firebird-ds.xml has
configuration for its own connection faction
(connection pool).
Is it so? Is it provides any performance gain ? Or do
I provide configuration like other DB ? as below ,




//end of snippet

Please do detail me,

Thanks & regards,
S. Karthick

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