Subject Performance Problems after setting Character-Set
Author hhh

I created a database using no character set ("none"). After I finished the
development of the application, I remarked that it would be nice (in other
words: absolutely critical for the application) to set character-sets.

Since it's not possible to transliterate a "none" character - database, I
wrote a script which sets up a new database - for sure setting the right
character set - and copies the old one table by table, row by row into the
new one.

The new database runs fine, searching special-characters does not end in an
error anymore but the performance became really horrible! As a query (about
1300 datasets) used about 100-200ms to display (using the web-browser!) the
same query now takes about 6+ seconds. I tested out some different options
and remarked, that just querying integer, date or other non-character fields
resulted in the old performance (~200ms). The same performance resulted when
I set the database-connection back using LC_TYPE=none on the same database.

After the tests I upgraded the Firebird RDBMS from v 1.0 to v 1.5 hoping it
would fix the problem, but unfortunately it didn't.

I am using the org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver with Servlets/JSP on Tomcat 4.x

Maybe there's someone having a hint for me, Thanks a lot in advance!

Chris Rychen

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