Subject UNICODE_FSS, internationalization issue
Author minotaurosgr
I have a database with default encoding UNICODE_FSS. Firebird is
installed in a Linux box. (the locale of the box is configured for
GReece, if that matters) I have apache and tomcat as Application
Server. I have a web application (jsp and servlets) using character
encoding UTF-8. In the jdbc connection I explicitly set lc_type to

I'm trying to insert a row which has some Greek characters and some
accented Italian characters posted by a JSP to a servlet, all
encoded in UTF-8. What actually happens is Greek characters are
stored fine, but Italian are converted to '?'. I tried to use
Statements and PreparedStatements, the same effect. Besides same
thing happens when I'm trying to insert same data from an
application (DbVisualizer) using the same driver, so the problem is
not deriving from my web application.

What really troubles me is how Greek characters are stored ok. That
implies that this is not a driver problem? Has anything to do the
locale of the linux box where FireBird is installed?

Any help appreciated.