Subject autocommit mode
Author Juan Pedro López Sáez
Hello everybody,

I've got a perfomance issue related to the autocommit mode.

Most of my application's database accesses are single SQL statements, so I don't need a transaction management different to the autoCommit(true) behaviour.
However, there are a few cases where I must manage transactions in order to update two tables atomically, so there I set autoCommit(false).

Because of this mixed scenario, I set autoCommit(true) everytime a perform an "unmanaged" database access. It's a simple way of writting reusable code.


1- Is it a high consuming resources to set autoCommit(true), just to ensure the database access in this mode?
2- I have read contradictory oppinions about switching autocommit on:
    - It is recomended in order to release resources attached to an active transaction.
    - It is not recomended because there is a perfomance penalty. Every database access is an independent transaction and transactions are time consuming operations.
    What's the best choice?
3- If I switch autoCommit off, does a new transaction start inmediately either after executing that opertation or after performing a commit/rollback?

Any comments would be very apreciate.

Thank you.

Juan Pedro
Juan Pedro López Sáez
Centro de Empresas "La Arboleda"
Carretera NIII km. 7,300 - Campus Sur
28031 MADRID
Teléfono/Fax 91 33 111 98
Móvil 610 258 837