Subject Re: GDS Exception. No message for code 335544794 found
Author schroed1974 <>
--- In, "Roman Rokytskyy
<rrokytskyy@a...>" <rrokytskyy@a...> wrote:
> > org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. No message for
> > code 335544794 found.
> Do you use custom built version? There is a message for code
> 335544794, it means "operation was cancelled". This message is
> in firebirdsql.jar/ file.
> Hope this helps.
> Best regards,
> Roman Rokytsky

I am using the binary version 1.0.0-RC3 and maybe it can't get the
error message (Why?).
But why the prepared statement generate this exception (operation was
Is there a way to go from interbase/interclient to firebird/JayBird
without changing the code?
Is there a way to have the driver source already packaged as a jar in
order to
debug from the source?

Thanks in advance,
Angelo Mariano