Subject Re: Jaybird and API calls
Author Roman Rokytskyy <>
> > with current implementation you can explore your database, check
> > metadata, etc. jdbc does not know anything about triggers and
> > generators, so this is not available via jdbc api. but it can be
> > implemented additionally.
> Was that an offer to help :-)

Yes, but with no schedule committment.

> > however to get something similar to ibconsole is relatively easy.
> > there is open-source java gui called squirrel-sql. one needs to
> > add firebird plugin and we will need to add all needed and
> > unimplemented api calls.
> Is that something the Jaybird crowd would be willing to do?

This is really easy task. There is Oracle plugin and you have to
change it a little to get Firebird plugin. I had an idea of asking
developer of that Oracle plugin to create one for Firebird, but we
decided to wait until we get needed functionality in driver itself
and/or FBManager class to simplify plugin development (no queries on
system tables, but method calls like in DatabaseMetaData).

> Jave - Less programming, minor deployment issues, no Services API

If we get type 2 driver running, Services API will be available to.

> C++ - Lots of programming, no deployment issues, Most Services API
> Python - Medium Programming, major deployment issues, Most Services
> We have several programmers ready to help out and are mostly C++
> programmers (I am a Delphi programmer). So if we can get some help
> in implementing the services API and one or two seasoned Java
> programmers to join the group, then I think Java would make the
> most sense.
> Many of us have JBuilder and there are lots of programming tools
> available for Java.

I think we as driver developers will do our best to implement as many
features as possible. But I personally is not willing to start
learning GUI programming now.

Best regards,
Roman Rokytskyy