Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] RC3
Author Rick Fincher
Hi Blas, Roman,

I can add the open issues to the FAQ, and clean up a few other things in the
docs tonight (USA East Coast time) so a release tomorrow or after would be

Any other open documentation issues?


----- Original Message -----

> Hello Roman
> At 02/02/2003 19:36 +0000, Roman Rokytskyy <rrokytskyy@...> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I have fixed few bugs. Open bugs are:
> >
> >a) 575397: SERIALIZABLE is not isc_tpb_consistency - there is no
> >final agreement between developers about mapping.
> >
> >b) 630749: implement isc_info_sql_stmt_savepoint - will be
> >implemented in JayBird 1.5.
> >
> >c) 631090: Calling stored procedures - cannot be fixed with current
> >Firebird implementation.
> >
> >d) 638074: JUnit Errors in JayBird Build - known issue, not driver
> >problem, but test case problem.
> >
> >e) 645725: getBestRowIdentifier() not working - not yet implemented.
> >
> >Therefore, I think we can proceed with RC3.
> >
> >David, Blas, do you have any comments on this issue? Does anybody
> >else have some newly discovered bugs?
> Everything is OK. I only have to update performance data in the JDBC
document, but I'll do when we are prepared to deliver the next
> I think we can deliver 1.0 version. There are people waiting for it and
the quality of the driver is good enough for 1.0.
> Regards
> Blas Rodriguez Somoza