Subject RE: [Firebird-Java] Jaybird driver CVS HEAD state
Author Ryan Baldwin

>2. driver itself is broken. For example, FBManager class depends on
>UnknownDriverTypeException declared in org.firebirdsql.pool package.
>But this class doesn't use this dependency actually.

This was a stupid mistake on my part - my IDE puts import statements in
automiticly - I did consider using this exception class in the setType
method but then realised it was in the pool package so switched back to a
RuntimeException for the time being. I forgot to remove the import statement
before commiting.

>3. test framework is committed in a middle of restructuring and cannot
>compile. Basically, BaseFBTest class that is used by many tests as a
>base class isn't present anymore.

As far as I was aware I commited after a re-structring and all was building
and running OK. The functionality previously in BaseFBTest was split between
two new base classes and BaseFBTest should no longer be used. This was to
allow the tests to be run against the driver in type 2 mode and embedded
mode. Again I neglected to remove import statements.

>1. build.xml is broken. default target does not exist.

Again stupid misktake with default target. I have now fixed this.

>are weird. for example, building driver jar depends on "compile"
>target that requires building everything including test stylesheets.

I dont believe this is something I introduced.

I've commited fixes now and it should build OK. I do appologise for this, it
is rather embaresising. Normally I do a fresh checkout and build after major
commit - but yesterday I was distracted and then failed to get round to it.



-----Original Message-----
From: BSS main [mailto:skidder@...]
Sent: 04 October 2003 12:56
Subject: [Firebird-Java] Jaybird driver CVS HEAD state

Hello, All !

I tried to build current codebase to consider implementation of
getParameterMetaData method, but CVS HEAD is currently in unbuildable
state. Why Jaybird team doesn't adopt approach of testing the changes
before committing them ?

Here is the quick list of problems found:
1. build.xml is broken. default target does not exist, dependencies
are weird. for example, building driver jar depends on "compile"
target that requires building everything including test stylesheets.
2. driver itself is broken. For example, FBManager class depends on
UnknownDriverTypeException declared in org.firebirdsql.pool package.
But this class doesn't use this dependency actually.
3. test framework is committed in a middle of restructuring and cannot
compile. Basically, BaseFBTest class that is used by many tests as a
base class isn't present anymore.

Are there any ongoing efforts to return driver to buildable state ?
Or should I take care of this myself ?

Nickolay Samofatov mailto:skidder@...

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