Subject Firebird in a web-based application?
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
Hi all,

I'm pretty new in using Firebird as backend for a web-based

We are thinking about using Firebird in the course of Reengineering
our inhouse Intranet/Internet, which currently uses Oracle as backend.

Well, what are they main technologies to use Firebird in an
Intranet/Internet based application?

- Jaybird
- what else ?

We have a pretty deep knowledge about implementing Java based
multi-tier web applications and therefore Jaybird might be the
most interesting candidate. Are there any web-applications out
there, which already uses the native JDBC Type 4 driver Jaybird?

Are there already any known good results with Jaybird using
Apache and a specific (open-source) application server? Any
docs, articles, ...?

Any information is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Thomas Steinmaurer
IB LogManager 2.1 - The Logging/Auditing Tool for InterBase and Firebird