Subject conversion problem
Author John Lister
I have a dialect 3 db with no char set. in this db i have a table
which contains a field of type numeric(9,6). The problem occurs when
i try to fetch a value from this field, i get the following error.

org.firebirdsql.jdbc.TypeConvertionException: Error converting to big
at org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBBigDecimalField.getBigDecimal
at org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBBigDecimalField.getString
at org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBResultSet.getString

I'm using getString but having looked at the source it wouldn't
matter which getXXX i used. This field is represented within the
driver as a BigDecimal which is causing it to fail as none of the
tests in FBBigDecimalField.getBigDecimal succeed. I was expecting
sqldata to be of a float type, but i've just debugged it and it is
set to null? Any ideas? I'll back track to find out why? For
reference, the sqltype is 496 and its subtype is 1. Other values seem
to be set correctly (eg scale, etc)