Subject First Shot at Performance Test
Author rbair23
Hey everyone,

I made a first stab at a controlled performance test today. I
compared firebird with postgreSQL (since that was the other DB I had
set up). Here are the setups/params for this test

-I ran both of these tests from the same machine as the database (so
network issues shouldn't have been a factor).
-I created the Employee table on the postgres database, and filled it
with the exact same data as the employee.gdb employee table (except
for one row I apparently missed).
-The same query was run against both databases
-Both databases were in their initial unoptimized condition (out of
the box)
-The exact same code was executed for both. I have command line
arguments feed the database URL etc, so the same jar is used in both
-I used the `long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()` method for
timing these things - no overhead with gui's, etc.
-Each test executed the SQL statement 10000 times.
-I tested off of the version of the code in CVS as of this morning.

Okay, so now for the results. Following is the output from the two
These were your parameters:
SQL: select * from employee where emp_no = 141
Host: localhost
Port: 5432
User: richard
Password: bair
dbURL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test
Driver: org.postgresql.Driver
Number of Times to Loop: 10000
Connecting to the database
Connection made
Running Test (no hash - please wait)
Test took a total of 33.0 seconds
That is 0.0033 seconds per query

Next Test:

These were your parameters:
SQL: select * from employee where emp_no = 141
Host: localhost
Port: 3050
User: sysdba
Password: masterkey
Driver: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
Number of Times to Loop: 10000
Connecting to the database
Connection made
Running Test (no hash - please wait)
Test took a total of 1183.0 seconds
That is 0.1183 seconds per query


Now, the results are so staggering that I wondered if they did indeed
execute the same number of times. I checked the scripts I used to
start 'em up, and sure enough, they both executed the query 10,000

There is another factor that may have some bearing - that of logging
(since I know we log, but I don't know if postgres does). However,
in my java command for running the firebird test, I had the following:


So I would have expected logging to be turned off. I'm not sure if
it was, since it errored out early on because I didn't have a `logs`
directory from where I was running the jar. It should not be asking
me that, but it was. Maybe somebody out there has a hint about this?

Anyway, I'm going to profile next and see if I can find the hangup.
I don't have a license for JProbe, which is too bad because I used
that application to great advantage at work. I may have to just
eyeball the code and do some mini time testing inside the driver

Any thoughts?