Subject Re: [IB-Java] interbase/java on linux
Author David Jencks
I don't have any commercial site experience.

One project you might investigate is jboss, an open source (lgpl) ejb
server/container etc. They have in-vm tomcat and jetty integration, and
several people seem to be using interbase firebird as the back end. One
cute for development trick is automatic table creation from ejb metadata.
This is not something you probably want to use for production but I
understand it can be handy in development.

Interclient in its binary form will not work with this due to problems with
database metadata calls. However checking out the latest CVS and compiling
( such as with the ant build script in firebird dir) appears to fix this

Hope this helps,
My understanding is that interbase has been commercial quality about as
long as oracle-- plus it has reasonable transaction isolation.

David Jencks

On 2001.02.20 20:24:56 -0500 scuba_styb@... wrote:
> Hello ppl,
> im a developer and im planning to use firebird on an e-commerce-site to
> be. ill be developing the server-side applications with java under linux.
> Would u guys suggest Firebird to be used in my project?
> im a keen observer of Open Source Interbase. and in fact ive developed
> some web in house java applications using interbase 6 beta. im just
> concerned of the security and the stability. i think it is safe to assume
> that the only source i can get help/support is from the
> website. is there already any companies that offers commercial service
> like having a pre-package firebird (w/ support included)? who among u
> guys is actually alreay deployed applications on commercial websites
> using firebird? do u think its too early to use it on the enterprise?
> although my impression on Interbase 5, is already a mature database that
> can rival most of the "Industry Standard" db servers.
> linux/java/firebird is the solution i think for my case since i dont have
> enough $$$$ to fund my business-to-be... yet. a minimum overhead cost is
> what im trying to achieve considering im risking my ass a lot for this
> project. im also considering to use resin as my servlet container. i
> apologize for having newbie questions because i am! :).
> lastly, i would appreciate if u could give me sites for FireBird/Java
> resource sites. Thanks a lot in advance!
> ps. pardon if this is not the right mailing list for my query(?)
> Mabuhay!
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