Author llafranc78
Yes, you're right: I doubt I can commit any changes, but I'm glad I've
been of some help :))



--- In IB-Java@y..., "rrokytskyy" <rrokytskyy@y...> wrote:
> Hi,
> > Since nobody answered my messages I don't know whether I was right
> > and now everyone's expecting me to commit the changes (it's not so
> > obvious to me: it would be the first time I actively participate in
> > an OpenSource project and I don't know if I CAN make such commits
> > without asking someone...), or I was wrong and everyone's expecting
> > me to shut up ;)
> I checked docs, and it seems that there must be 1 instead of 2 (2 is
> BLR, and that's hardly LONGVARCHAR). The problem here is, that you,
> probably, will not be able to commit changes to CVS if you don't have
> named CVS account. Anonymous CVS acount is read-only.
> I think I will commit this to the CVS, but, probably, this happens
> only on weekend. So, I accept any objections till Saturday. :)
> Best regards,
> Roman