Subject RE: [IB-Java] Logging interface
Author Paulo Gaspar
Thanks Thomas,

The Lumberjack helped to compile the JDK1.4 wrapper.

Ok, here goes the basic logging stuff I use. Some facts:

- It is really simple stuff. I have another couple of
classes (another AbstractLoggable and so) but they would
probably just get on your way;

- It is just a modified version of the Avalon wrappers. I
only added a couple of classes and changed a bit the
existing code (changing the order of some parameters in
the process. You can find Avalon from:
You can get most of this stuff in its original form from
Jakarta's "jakarta-avalon" CVS repository, package

- It provides a common interface to these loggers:
- Avalon's LogKit

- Log4J

- JSR47 (JDK1.4) (can be via Lumberjack)

- You still have to configure the original logging system
before wrapping it. What this does is allowing to change
the logger you use just by changing your initialization
code. If you stick to using the ILogger and ILoggable
interfaces for the rest of the code (where you do the
actual logging) that always remains the same.

For further questions, just mail me.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Nichols []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 11:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IB-Java] Logging interface
> At 01:42 28/11/2001 +0100, Paulo Gaspar wrote:
> >David,
> >
> >
> >Give me some more time to post the logging thing. Things
> >are a bit hectic over here.
> >
> >I already fixed the JDK 1.4 logging wrapper (which I
> >don't use). Now I just need some more time to cleanup the
> >rest.
> A lightweight logger that could interface either to JDK 1.4 (if
> available)
> or log4j would be a definite bonus - although I find log4j a
> cleaner model
> (simply because of logging levels), JDK 1.4 is what most people will have
> installed (within a year or two).
> Have you seen the Lumberjack JavaLogging project at
> ? Gives you a JSR47 (JDK1.4)
> compliant
> API for use with earlier VMs.
> <... checks ....>
> Ah - GPL, so only usable as brain-food on this project I'd guess.
> Regards,
> Thomas.
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