Subject Re: [IB-Java] Build on Windows
Author Massimo Ferrari
> Thanks!!
Well, it wasn't a difficult job for me! :)

> I was trying to give instructions yesterday on this list on how a jboss
> ConnectionManager could be used standalone pooling. I have some problems
> with the current state of the jboss ConnectionManagers, however they
> work fine for anything but very high load situations. I'm hoping to find
> time to rewrite them, but it is not at the top of my list.
> (problems are: (1)if the pool is all checked out with requests blocking,
> blocking requests can wait forever, as returned connections can get handed
> out to new requests. (2) the pooling code is too complicated and has too
> much speculative functionality and too many parameters for the purpose of
> connection pool. It may be great for something else, but it is too hard
> fix problems (see 1) with its current complexity)
Ok, but first just a question: what do you think about tyrex? It should be
not that difficult to implement pooling (DataSource pool) for the firebird
driver using the tyrex library, or am I completely wrong? They say they use
also a connector architecture, but I'm not sure it's the JCA.

Well, I see that using the Minerva Pool has its advatanges, since (I guess)
you are the main developer, but I have first to understand the mechanics of
Least but not last, I partially agree with Kyle Cordes: I think your type 4
driver would also be really useful as just a simple JDBC 2.0 driver.
