Subject Re:
Author Torsten Welches

I fear the problems between Firebird and Inprise are much more than a
spat, so the "simple solution" apparently is not an option now. :-(

Well, in reality there's no such thing like an official Firebird
position since Firebird is a group of individuals. In any case it
appears that most of them don't trust Inprise anymore and that they
would be opposed to a merger of the projects, at least now.
Inprise on the other hand has one "company position" (do they?) and
all employees have to act accordingly. I don't think they want any
Firebird committers on board.

My personal opinion is that it's a shame. I would vote for a merged
project with equal rights for "both parties", a worldly innocent wish
I guess.
IMO the best I/we can do about it is trying to keep in contact with
the "Inprise side" - that's why I tried asking Shaunak for his

while we are talking... are you willing to help with
InterClient/InterServer? We're still hiring...



--- In, "Terry Child" <tmchild@g...> wrote:
> When you say firebird is open for everyone, there must still only
be a core of
> people with commit privileges. So the simple solution would be for
the committer
> groups to be merged, which would in turn lead to the sources being
in sync, and
> eventually so a single CVS and happier users. The spat between
Firebird and
> Inprise doesn't necessarily mean that interclient has to go the
same way -
> perhaps interclient is separate enough to pilot a merge of the two
> The joint set of committers could then elect a subset of themselves
to argue
> about who else should receive commit rights.