Subject RE: [IB-Java] interclient and JRun pooled connections
Author Peter Wilkinson
I've been trying to get to the bottom of this and still can't get the
connections to commit. The only way I can get the servlet to see the new
entries in the db is by restarting JRun, which kills the pooled connections.

I've also tried the same code in Orionserver and I get the same results. I'm
wondering now if these pooled sources require JDBC2.0 support in the driver.

Is there a compiled version of Interclient 2 anywhere that I can try, I've
had a look at the source and the build process looks a bit nasty?

The source I'm using to test is:

37 InitialContext ctx = null;
38 try {
39 // Define JNDI InitialContext object.
40 ctx = new InitialContext();
41 // Look up data source in InitialContext.
42 DataSource ds =
43 (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/" +
44 dbCon = ds.getConnection();
45 dbCon.setAutoCommit(true);
48 if (dbCon.getAutoCommit())
49 out.println("<br>AUTO COMMIT<br>");
50 else
51 out.println("<br>NOT AUTO COMMIT<br>");
53 // Create Statement object.
54 dbStmt = dbCon.createStatement();
55 // Execute the query.
56 dbRS = dbStmt.executeQuery(sqlStmt);
58 out.println("<br>");
59 out.println("Log entries...<br>");
60 while ( {
61 out.println(dbRS.getDate("entry_date") + "<br>");
62 }
64 dbRS.close();
65 dbRS = null;
67 out.println("<br>");
68 out.println("Num Log entries for today...<br>");
70 sqlStmt = "select count(*) from get_entries_today(1)";
71 dbRS = dbStmt.executeQuery(sqlStmt);
72 while ( {
73 out.println(dbRS.getInt("count") + "<br>");
74 }
76 } catch (Exception e) {
77 out.println("Unable to establish a connection through
the driver manager.");
78 out.println("ERR:<br><pre>" + e + "</pre>");
79 } finally {
80 // close db resources
81 try {
82 if (dbRS != null) {
83 dbRS.close();
84 }
85 if (dbStmt != null) {
86 dbStmt.close();
87 }
88 if (dbCon != null) {
89 dbCon.close();
90 }
91 ctx.close();
92 } catch (Exception sqlex) {
93 out.println("<p>SQL exception in finally block");
94 sqlex.printStackTrace();
95 }
96 }

This never throws an exception and will always show "AUTO COMMIT" form line
48 and always gets the records from the db as it was when JRun or
Orionserver started.



-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Sokolov [mailto:sokolov@...]

Peter Wilkinson wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just set up JRun to use Interclient in pools. I am having some
> getting the sequence of commits correct so that my servlet will see and
> commits made since the JRun server has started.
> Does anyone know what I need to do to get Interclient to work in a pool
> that it sees all current committed transactions???


Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,userName,passwd);

I did not try this in a servlet but it works well for me in case of
RMI server, which comminicates with a database using interclient
