Subject Re: [Firebird-general] IBPhoenix site
Author Milan Babuskov
Ann W. Harrison wrote:
> Helen may kick me of the list for this, because it's
> not a support question, but if you have cached or
> bookmarked pages on the IBPhoenix site, they're all
> wrong now.
> Everything worth having is still there, but you'll
> have to start from the home page and find it again.
> The top bar has most of the navigation that used to
> be on the left.

Sorry for replying here too, but I believe this concerns all users. If
you feel it's inappropriate, feel free to reply to me directly.

The download link for "Catalogue of Admin Tools" in bottom left corner
on still points to:

I browsed the ibphoenix site for about 20 minutes and was unable to find
that page.

I was also unable to find download links for IB6 PDF docs that were
available earlier.


Milan Babuskov

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