Subject pro&contra
Author Aage Johansen
At work, some are advocating a migration from Firebird to Sybase (yeech!).
Could someone here provide a list of arguments for not migrating? It
seems all the hassle (of converting databases and applications) and
licence cost don't deter them. Two pro-Sybase arguments are that we
have two large (and complex) projects using Sybase, and also the
encryption feature that seems to make it easy to comply with the
laws/regulations (without delivering much added security, however).
Also, it would be interesting to see "plus points" for Sybase (so I
know about them).
It is now 5-6 years since I maintained a Sybase database, and haven't
felt a loss at any time since then! I don't know how far Sybase has
moved from the "page locking"/"lock escalating"/"preallocated
space"/"transaction log truncation"/"obscure backup procedures"
pleasures of old times...

Aage J.