Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Re: Make a wiki and centralize all info about firebird there
Author Martijn Tonies
> Martijn Tonies wrote:
>> No-one who takes the lead and invests a significant amount of time =
>> no people who continu = no wiki.
> Lester Caine took the initiative and I guess he's invested a considerable
> amount of time (unless he's a positronic robot after all).
> Thanks to Lester, we did have a working wiki and some other people
> contributed too. But it didn't attract a lot of steady contributors, just
> as the documentation subproject doesn't.
> It seems very hard for people to realize that producing reliable,
> structured documentation is WORK, and takes TIME. Lots of time. There's
> nothing very heroic about it, but it can be rewarding.

> Still, I'm glad to see that several people are enthusiastic about the wiki
> concept and I hope that some of them will become active contributors. Yes,
> of course the project could use some fresh blood. Lots of it!

Agreed on pretty much everything ;-)

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

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