Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Re: Make a wiki and centralize all info about firebird there
Author Martijn Tonies
>> > the point is that it's irrelevant how much time I myself want/can
>> > spend for this.
>> No it isn't.
> Yes it is :)
> (please observe that I can do both argumentation *and* contradiction)
>> > Let anyone spend as much as they can and want. Give
>> People don't magically appear and do work.
> Sure, but how does that contradict "Let anyone spend as much as they
> can and want." ?

No-one who takes the lead and invests a significant amount of time =
no people who continu = no wiki.

I'm not saying it will not work, I'm saying that you, to me, appear to
be someone that expects that this will work as soon as someone coins
the idea.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

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