Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Re: Make a wiki and centralize all info about firebird there
Author John Armstrong
Sorry to spam but as a follow-up. I've already made a commitment to post
totally mundane things to my blog that I did not find an immediate search
result about in google. For example I need to reload some python code in
real-time and to a seasoned python person this is obvious. It took me 15
minutes of Google to find the answer using the terms I was familiar with.

So, once I picked an answer I posted a quick blog entry about my specific
problem, in my terminology, and my solution, in my terminology. This
increases the google profile of Python in its own small way and increases
the knowledge base of Python. Someone somewhere in the future may stumble
across it or it may increase the rank of related items but in general it
feeds the eco-system for Python.

We should be aggressive about doing the same for Firebird.


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 12:06 PM, John Armstrong <siberian@...>wrote:

> While I think a wiki is a great thing its really not the problem. The issue
> to me is search profile. Where the information is stored is not relevant, we
> all use Google anyhow. The key is the get better information out there and
> centralization at a wiki level is only one way to accomplish this and
> possibly not the best if we agree that the only user we care about is the
> GoogleBot. No one goes to a website to get information, they just ask
> Google. Increasingly people are realizing that their only real customer is
> Google and this applies even more so to open source projects.
> Towards this I think one problem with the Firebird community is that it is
> -too- structured. I know that sounds odd but when I think about where I find
> my information its rarely from a 'documentation' site, its almost always on
> some wiki or blog or whatnot and it tends to be someone posting something
> about their experience etc. And I always find it via Google. I don't even
> bother to bookmark anymore and I think this is becoming more and more
> common.
> An avenue towards increasing our profile is if we just all made a
> commitment to post regularly in our personal blogs about what we are doing
> with firebird, problems we solved that week etc. No matter how mundane it
> all helps increase the profile of the project and serves. I think this might
> be a seed to plant that sprouts.
> Anyhow, controversial, don't flame me too much
> John-
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Kurt Federspiel <federonline@...>wrote:
>> Well, unlike most people with a busy life, an attention deficit or simply
>> scattered, I have followed the thread, and I find the idea of a wiki to be a
>> good one. The fact that many of "you" who are "actively participating"
>> haven't dropped whatever else you are doing to pick it up does not
>> invalidate the idea. Having busy people be more busy makes them cranky and
>> unwilling (more likely the reason no one "actively participating" is jumping
>> on board); perhaps recruiting a few "new" faces instead making it a
>> political infight between the "actively participating" would move the
>> project along.
>> I suspect that there are people who would be willing to devote some
>> (perhaps only a little) attention to a wiki, given some direction. I have
>> asked for help on the forum/groups, and given back when possible from what I
>> have learned. I don't have a LOT of time (in fact I have very little), but
>> our company is making some (not great) money using Firebird, and I would be
>> happy to give back something, other than just responses to emails of others
>> falling down on the same things that tripped me.
>> I would be happy to magically provide a few hours a week to help someone
>> else out, but I do not have time to manage, or design anything right now.
>> Apparently, I'm too late...
>> ________________________________
>> From: Doug Chamberlin <dougchamberlin@...>
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:26:27 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Firebird-general] Re: Make a wiki and centralize all info
>> about firebird there
>> The one problem I see that has not been adequately addressed is this:
>> Everyone actively participating in the project is already doing what
>> they have chosen to do. They are invested in the contributions they are
>> already making. Since I don't hear anyone enthusiastically dropping
>> their work to contribute to a central wiki, or diverting their efforts
>> toward contributions to one, I don't think you have been persuasive
>> enough in your cause. That's the political work I think that still needs
>> doing.
>> The current conversation is a beginning. But only a small beginning.
>> Since this discussion has gone on for a while, I would suggest you
>> review the previous discussion and summarize it. Include the positives
>> of the idea. Address each negative that has been mentioned on a point by
>> point basis. Then describe a plan for establishing the wiki. The plan
>> should include what effort/role you would play in establishing the wiki
>> and what is needed by others. It should also include what would be
>> required to maintain it.
>> In short, make an organized case for it. If it sounds well thought out
>> and is thorough enough, maybe then people will buy into it.
>> Remember that people's attention is scattered. They are busy,
>> distracted, and invested elsewhere. Following a long, drawn out
>> conversation like this is tough. If it gets too tough, people will stop
>> following along. Since you are the one trying to make a case, you have
>> to do the bulk of the work. Asking people to work extra to understand
>> what you are saying is asking a lot. (No, I'm not going to go back a
>> re-read everything. I'm just going to give you my suggestions as I see
>> them right now.)
>> I recognize that what I'm saying may sound annoying and/or condescending
>> but I don't mean it that way at all. I think you have a great idea but,
>> as I said above, I don't think it has been presented as well as it could
>> be nor as well as it needs to be in order to get the support it needs to
>> be successful.
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