Subject Re: Make a wiki and centralize all info about firebird there
Author woodsmailbox
I'm Cosmin Apreutesei (dunno why it doesn't show up in the posts).

Just setting up a wiki will give you a blank wall with no directions.

Pardon my cynicism, but nobody wants to contribute to an experiment
made for the sole purpose of justifying its own existence.

The active people of the community (aka the stars, the ppl everyone
knows, and with most *output*) must come first to the party, not join
in later. It's not you that must be convinced, instead you should be
the flamers of this thing. So I think you got it all wrong.

The reason for this is simple: if it's going to be a central place,
then it needs to have *first-hand information*. There won't be any
wiki gnomes to constantly copy-paste info into the wiki just to keep
it updated, while the unconvinced skeptics will continue to update the
same ol'familiar scattered places. And ppl will always bookmark and
check back the URLs where the first-hand info is. If it's 100 places,
then so be it. Nobody will point to the wiki. Without an engaged
audience, the wiki will die.

If anybody out there is interested, someone must assume leadership for
this, at least until the project gets to the point of not needing one
(then you're free). I can't do that as I'm top busy at the moment, so
maybe someone volunteers. Then we can discuss technical aspects
(hosting etc.).