Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Discussing betas on lists - a question/proposal?
Author Martijn Tonies
> >> Before creating a new one, may I remind you all that there is already a
> >> list called: firebird-test@...
> >>
> >> It's some kind of field-test list, but with very, very low traffic.
> >
> >Ah, that could be a nice candidate, yes :-)
> >
> >Time to re-define it's purpose?
> Redefine it? To what?

>"For newbies who want to cut their teeth on alpha and beta builds"? I
dooooooon't think so.

What does this mean? Are people using (for example) 2.1 alpha/beta/rc
supposed to post
to this list or not?

> Here's its stated purpose:
> Firebird-test
> Open list for discussing Firebird QA, including field testing.
> This is a discussion and work list for developing Firebird TCS harness,
test cases and QA procedure.
> Please do not use this list for Firebird support questions.
> However, field-testers are welcome to make themselves known and describe
any problems they are having with new features in alpha and beta releases.
> How is that not exactly what the doctor ordered?

See above. If the above is correct, then why are people ordered to the much
technical firebird-devel when they post in fb-support about a beta/rc?

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, NexusDB, Oracle &
MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions
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