Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Re: What do you think about Firebird official site?
Author Artur Anjos
It seems that the target to change the website it's mainly to attract
new users.

From times to times, the main page is changed according to some
discussions like this.
"Donate to Firebird" on the top is there because a discussion went in
that direction, to give an example.

Another thing that it's difficult to decide is that our main page is
focus on actual users or on new users.

If you go to mysql, focus are in 4 areas: Discover / Test Drive / Learn
/ What's new
If you go to postgresql, focus are in 3 areas: Latest news / upcoming
events / planet postgresql

Now, our main focus are: Donations, Tracker, Latest News.

Maybe changing the Tracker focus to "Get to know Firebird in 2 minutes"
or "Firebird Facts" should be a better option. If I remember, this last
one was in focus during some time.

It's always difficult to define "focus": it changes a lot during time.
