Subject Firebird 2.03 on HPUX 11 released
Author mariuz
Sent to you by mariuz via Google Reader: Firebird 2.03 on HPUX 11 via
Paul Beach's Blog by Paul Beach on 1/7/08 I have just released a
classic version of Firebird V2.03 for HPUX 11. This is a 64bit version
for PA-RISC 2.0. The current install mechanism as per Firebird 1.5.x
uses a tar file and scripts to install firebird into /opt/firebird etc.
I think the time has now come to try and write a depot file so that we
can use the HPUX installer to install firebird. Initial analysis
indicates that I need to write a .psf file that contains the relevant
instructions, and that I can test it using the following command:
swpackage -p -vv -s ./firebirdCS.psf -d /sd/firebird
-p = preview mode (don't do anything - just test the psf file)
-vv = very verbose
-s = source psf file
-d = destination

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