Subject 5th International Firebird Conference 2007:The session planner now available
Author HKlemt
5th International Firebird Conference 2007
18.-20. Oct in Hamburg Germany

The conference session planner now available for download

For german speaking visitors: In diesem Jahr haben wir wieder
viele Vorträge in deutscher Sprache eingeplant. Am Donnerstag
und Freitag sind spezielle deutsprachige Einsteigerkurse dabei,
während die fortgeschrittenen Anwender in englischen Vorträgen
ihr Wissen vertiefen können. An beiden Tagen können Sie auch im
Codecamp Ihre konkreten Probleme mit den anwesenden deutschen
und internationalen Experten analysieren. Am Samstag sind dann
allgemeinere Informationen in deutschen und englischen Vorträgen
zu erwarten.

For english speaking visitors: This year we have a special entry
level track on thursday and friday. For advanced visitors you find
a seperate thread. In the codecamp, you can ask on both days the
experts and let them analyze your real world problem. On saturday
you will find more general session topics.

Early bird conference fees (valid until 20th sep 2007):

-Full Conference Package 599 Euro *
3 days conference, 4 nights in the conference hotel
(17.-21.) , breakfast, lunch, dinner, evening events

-Conference Only Package 399 Euro *
3 days conference, lunch

-Main Conference Day only Package 169 Euro *
saturday only conference, 1 night in the conference
hotel (20.-21.) , breakfast, lunch, dinner, saturday
evening event

-Main Conference Day only 99 Euro *, saturday only
conference, lunch

* all prices excl 19% VAT, required for all visitors
2nd visitor discount 10%, 3rd visitor discount 15%

Naturally, we are still looking for sponsors! If you have been
thinking about being a conference sponsor, NOW is the time
to act. It is also possible to add special product sponsoring
packages. Please contact hklemt@... as soon as

Firebird - the open source database for professionals

Firebird conference 2007 is organised by HK-Software

HK Software - Oldenburger Str 233 - 26203 Wardenburg - Germany
Phone/Fax +49 700 IBEXPERT (42397378)