Subject RE: [Firebird-general] Nominations
Author Leyne, Sean

> Claudio Valderrama C. wrote:
> > The SF page
> >
> > leads to this:
> >
> > We weren't included.
> They say: Top 40 projects based on activity.
> I found activity stats quite inaccurate in the past,

They aren't much better now.

The SF stats/rankings are related to the level of activity through SF
resources. Some projects are better step up to maximize the rankings,
like: issuing patches via SF tools, using SF forums.

Let's compare the number for Firebird against Compiere for Jan 2006:

Firebird Compiere
Web Pages 328297 329497
Downloads 93409 13766
Web Hits 3908502 904
Tracker (Open) 31 132
Tracker (Closed) 25 228
Forum Posts 0 430

Ranking 56 9

Maybe I'm baised, by I don't see the ranking as doing 'justice' to the
Firebird project.
